Cell O Con Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks

Cell O Con AAC Block

AAC blocks or Autoclaved Aerated Concrete blocks is a lightweight building construction material used as an alternative to conventional bricks. It has more advantages when compared to bricks.

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a lightweight and eco-friendly material (3 times less weight than the conventional bricks), can withstand high loads, possess high thermal insulation property and durable building blocks. Construction using AAC blocks are also much easier because cutting them is easier with the standard power tools.

 AAC blocks resemble the sponge with air voids internally, which is the main reason they have lesser density and lightweight. It is also called as Lightweight bricks by many people around the world. 


AAC blocks resemble the sponge with air voids internally. This is the main reason that they have lesser density and hence light weight. It is also called as Light weight bricks by many people around the world. Light weight gives easy handling of this material. Since the year it was introduced AAC blocks become the better choice of the builders.

They were first developed in Sweden in 1924. Since then it became popular in Europe. Due to its best characteristics it is becoming popular in Asia as well as other continents across the globe.

They are produced from commonly available materials like cement, lime, calcium, water. Fly ash is used as aggregator. They are mixed at proper proportion and then moulded to the required shape. To create its desired property, the moulds are then autoclaved under suitable temperature and pressure. It got the name Autoclaved Aerated Concrete due to this process. Steam is passed through the setup at desired high temperature. Typically, the desired pressure is 800 kPa and temperature is 180 °C. The process will happen for 8 to 10 hours. In this process only the product will gain its strength. The result will be a perfect Autoclaved Aerated Concrete block with the desired quality.

AAC bricks or blocks are manufactured by Methras at our manufacturing facility in the brand name Cell O Con. We maintain stringent production process and quality controls. Our employees are highly educated and trained. They follow the production process to ensure the quality of the end products. This ensures the high quality of our Cellocon AAC blocks and other products and this is the reason why we stand out of our competitors.

Why Cellocon AAC Blocks Than Traditional Bricks ?

  • Cell O Con AAC Blocks are eco-friendly.
  • Cell O Con AAC blocks have long life.
  • Cell O Con AAC blocks have high resistance to heat and fire which ensure safety. So construction across the globe is possible with this.
  • They have high insulation to sound that makes the structure sound proof.
  • With the available standard power tools, cutting and trimming of Cell O Con AAC blocks can be carried out with high accuracy. This ends up with minimal wastage of the material doing less damage to environment.
  • Cell O Con AAC blocks are light weight blocks.
  • Due to its lightness, dead weight is less to the foundation.
  • Production of this light weight bricks follow a green process and hence environment is not much polluted.
  • Due to the lightness of Cell O Con AAC blocks, transportation will become easy. This saves time, energy, money etc. Also chances are more to withstand after an earth quake.
  • Cell O Con AAC bricks comes in different dimensions. So depending upon the requirement, the desired sized blocks can be chosen. This minimize the wastage as well as the labour involved during construction.
  • Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is very airy. This allows diffusion of water. This absorbs excess of humidity inside the room and makes it more comfortable to the people who live inside because of the ventilation effect.
  • Our Cell O Con blocks are nontoxic. So it is not harmful to use them.
  • Bigger size results in lesser joints, faster and economical constructions.
  • They have high resistance to insects and pests.
  • Internal wall can be finished directly by thin plaster and paint.
  • Minimum external plastering that saves time and money.
  • Lean cement mortar of thickness 8 mm. to 19 mm. or dry mortar (Light Weight Bedding Mortar) of of 3 mm. to 5 mm. can be used for laying Cell O Con AAC Blocks.

Technical specifications of Cell O Con AAC Blocks

Length : 600 mm.
Height : 200 mm.
Thickness : 50 mm. to 300 mm.
Dimensional variation : +/- 3 mm.

Dry Density (Oven Dry) : 550 to 650 Kg. / m³
Average Compressive Strength : 3.5 N / mm²
AAC Blocks conforms with the specifications of BIS 2185 (Part 3) – 1984
AAC Blocks to be laid according to BIS 6041 : 1985 and BIS 1095 : 1987

AAC blocks - Compressive Strength

AAC Blocks - Water Absorption Test

The test specimen should be a cube of size 200 mm. x 200 mm. x 200 mm. (cut from a block) and tested with a machine of least count 1 kN. Load has to be applied perpendicular to the aeration (Please check with the manufacturer for ascertaining the correct side). The cube has to be oven dried at 50 °C before testing.
Testing must be carried out at room temperature.
100 mm. and 150 mm. blocks are not suitable for getting standard test samples of 200 mm. x 200 mm. x 200 mm. If tested, these blocks will yield lesser values of average compressive strength.

There is no specific test required in BIS 2185-3 or BS 6073-1 for water absorption of AAC blocks. These blocks, being lighter, float on water and hence any test involving submersion is not possible. The test for
water absorption by capillary measures the rate at which moisture is taken up by the blocks in exposed fairfaced walling. BS EN 771-4 requires the water absorption by capillary to be measured over a period of 10
minutes in accordance with BS EN 772-1, if rendering is not done. However we recommend rendering for fair faced walls.